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Erection Problems in Man


Psychological Problems  Very often men fail to get an erection despite there being nothing wrong about their physical health. Two major psychological problems are performance anxiety or stress from any reason. The anxiety of whether or not they will do well in the sexual performance gets the better of men often. They cannot relax enough for sex. Stress from relationship problems, financial troubles or work brings about the same problem for men. At times men who do not find their partner attractive or emotionally fulfilling cannot get erection. Illnesses such as depression can also lead to erection problems.

Substance Abuse  Abuse of addictive substances such as alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and even nicotine found in cigarettes causes erection problems in men. The abnormal nervous system and distorted body chemistry due to substance abuse can and does cause erection problems.

Medications Certain medications have an adverse effect on men’s erection. In particular medications for treatment of heart diseases, blood pressure, insomnia and depression develop such complications in men that cause erection problems.  These medications increase the risk of erection dysfunction by adversely affecting your nerve impulses or the blood flow to your penis.

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 Injuries  Accidental injuries to penile arteries or nerve fibres can lead to erection problems. The damage to penile arteries and nerve fibres can also be due to radiation therapy or certain surgeries such as prostate surgery.

Diseases  Some medical conditions affecting the vascular system increase the risk of erection problems in men. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart and thyroid problems, diabetes and other conditions that have an effect on the blood flow to the lower body parts result in erectile problems for men. Neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease can also cause erection problems in men.


The erection problems such as erectile dysfunction can come with age but it is not always due to ageing. In any case, many young men are being affected by these conditions. Some problem in erection may be experienced by all men but if they do not get over of their own, you need to consider visiting your healthcare provider.