Linseed, or flaxseed, is one of the most potent sources of omega 3 fatty acids found in nature. It has a whole host of health benefits, and best of all, these benefits apply to everyone. Read on to learn more.

Linseed, also known as flaxseed, is the richest source of omega 3 essential fatty acids. It contains 50 to 50 percent omega 3s, almost twice as much as is contained in fish oil. Because it comes from a plant source, it is perfect for vegetarian and vegan diets, although it benefits everybody. Linseed/flaxseed oil differs from most vegetables oils in that it provides linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid, both of which are needed by the body and must be obtained through the diet.

 Using Linseed/Flaxseed

Linseed, or flaxseed, has a pleasant, nutty flavour and can be sprinkled on cereals, into yoghurts, and smoothies. You can also choose to take it in the form of the oil, or as a supplement in capsule form. To gain the most benefit from the seeds, be sure to grind them or chew them very well otherwise they will simply pass through the body whole. Keep the seeds or oil refrigerated. Alternatively, keep the oil in a dark place. Do not use the oil for frying or sautéing. The recommended daily dose for most people is at least 1000mg taken one to three times daily. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not consume large amounts of flax.


Indications of Omega 3

 Deficiency Some indications that you may be deficient in omega 3 fatty acids include:

• dry skin

• “chicken skin” – tiny, rough bumps that are usually found on the backs of the arms

• dry or unruly hair

• dandruff

• soft, fraying, or brittle nails

• menstrual cramps

• premenstrual breast tenderness

Benefits Of Flax Seed

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Flaxseed seeds contain 27 identifiable cancer preventive compounds, and thus create many benefits. Medical sources abound that have published clinical results concluding that the benefits of flax seed can have a positive impact on your overall health. The Use of Flaxseed with many benefits can be found commonly used in cereals and breads in the Middle ages, but has not been a staple in the modern diet since the industrial age. Flax seed is rich in fiber and omega 3-fatty acids, which may effect levels of hormones that are involved in the progression of cancer. In a Flax Seed Benefits study carried out, prostate cancer patients who added about 3 heaped tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily to their diet, had more slowly-dividing tumour cells and a greater rate of tumour cell death than men who did not follow this diet, after about 5 weeks. There was a similar study carried out of woman awaiting surgery for breast cancer. They found out those who ate a flaxseed muffin daily (with about four tablespoons of ground flaxseeds per Flax Seed Muffin) had a slower tumour growth rate. It also improves the quality of hair, nails, and skin, as well as helping you to lose weight or bulk up, and it lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and prevents arthritis and cancers. Flax seed also really helps the digestive system creating an ease of bowel movement combatting constipation. One of the great benefits also is the help flaxseed can bring during the menopause.


Some of the potential health benefits of flax seeds that have been reported:

• Increased energy, vitality, and stamina

• Increased sense of calmness under stress

• Reduced threat of blood clots

• Protection against cancers, particularly hormone sensitive cancers such as breast and prostate

• Lowered blood cholesterol levels

• Lowered high blood pressure

• Better regulation of blood sugar levels

• Eases inflammatory tissue conditions, including arthritis

• Alleviation of dry skin, eczema and psoriasis

 • Enhanced immune system

• Increased metabolic rate with a positive impact on weight management

• Helps with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

• Natural laxative

• And the list goes on

Flax Seed Health Benefits

Flax Seed is used throughout the world for food, medicine, and fiber to make clothes, and many other consumer goods products. Historically, flaxseed has been to treat a number of other conditions as well. It offers a myriad of health benefits through supplementation. Recent research indicates that flaxseed may have the ability to reduceblood pressure, lower level of harmful cholesterol, offer both estrogen-like and anti-estrogenic effects, and is being studied for its ability to protect against cancer. See also the benefits of flax seed for children. The Flax plant, an ancient crop, yields the fibre from which linen is woven, as well as seeds and oil. The Flax seed oil is an important ingredient in paints, varnishes, and linoleum. For example ?like olive, canola, and most other plant oils, flaxseed is highly unsaturated and heart-healthy. Flax seeds also contain another interesting component called lignans, which may have anti-cancer properties. We feel flaxseed can be an easy and extremely beneficial addition to everyone’s diet. Flaxseed, also know as linseed, is noted to have high nutritional value, making it a priority choice of food for health conscious people.

Walnuts and fish are excellent sources of omega-3s, but so are flaxseeds. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of omega-3s is 1.1 grams a day, and one tablespoon of flaxseed offers 1.8 grams.

1.  The omega-3s in flaxseed can help reduce the inflammation that leads to conditions such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, and osteoporosis.

2.  Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is one kind of omega-3s that is found in flaxseeds, and this fat helps promote bone health.

3.  Flaxseed is known to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, and it may lower blood pressure — all essential elements to having a healthy heart.

4.  Whole flaxseeds are great sources of fiber. One tablespoon contains three grams of fiber, so they can help prevent constipation.

Lignans, the fibers found in flaxseed, promote regular digestion and are thought to have a role in breast cancer prevention.